Monday, March 30, 2009


here is a lil taste of my lil sister's dance routine

you have to request as their friend to see the real thing

they did so awesome

BET claimed that my sis crew had the most votes in Wild Out Wednesday history

I seriously thought we were losing

and than I caved in started facebooking and texting every person on my phone

using my iphone to vote

it was insane everyone is calling me telling me that they are trying to vote

missing the madness of NYC

Filled out my application last night

I still have a check list I need to fill out

Basically all the skills I have as a nurse and how familiar I am with them

I've been nursing since 1/2005

I can't believe how far I came when it comes to this profession

Can't wait to finish school after traveling and just do NP

working Monday to Friday 9-5 like everyone else

no more night shift 12hrs

hopefully than will I start a family

I can only dream

my coworker last night made me go on the Tiffany website

I felt so stupid

she even made me wear her engagement ring

I felt like a fool

I got schooled on engagment rings and prices


princess, emerald cut ect... I don't know I just dont wanna lose the damn thing when my time comes

it was a defining moment I guess

I can put those thoughts to the back of my head for now

got a case of the mundays

: (

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